Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Like the smart shopper I am, I've decided to convert my addiction into something possibly lucrative. I've dug through my closet, my roommates' closet, my friends' closets and several other second hands locales to find some clothing I feel like other people would like, and I took pictures of them, used fancy words in their description, and BAM, I'm on the eBay.

So far, I've sold a Fendi watch for $140, David Yurman perfume for $70, and some old, fairly gnarled birkenstocks for $25. Which I think is pretty impressive, for someone who runs their shop out of a curtain-cum-closet hanger and has to peel cat hair out of everything.

Check it out here:

There isn't a tremendous amount of good stuff up there, but every now and again I get some amazing cosmetics you should check out. And its also funny to see me parading around in clothing long forgotten.

Also, while I'm at it, be a friend of mine on Facebook, which you can do here:

I'll list some of my goodies from fashion week, which would have been much more interesting to write about if I didn't leave my camera at the Gagosian halfway through.

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